Home Page - Zootechnics cattle division - Structures
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Zootechnics cattle division
Systems and accessories for modern zootechnics

OMVE metallic structures are the quickest and most flexible system for constructing both new stalls and extending or renovating existing cattlesheds.
The preparation of our staff, today enables us to find solutions in the most diverse fields and constitutes an unequalled wealth of experience and expertise, which allows us to provide the ideal answer to every problem in the shortest possible time.

Polanceau pitch roofs
Pitch roof portal frames
Industrial structures
Single pitch roof structures
Prefab sheds
Prefab structures
Several structures:
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Click on the photos to enlarge Click on the photos to enlarge
Click on the photos to enlarge Click on the photos to enlarge
Click on the photos to enlarge Click on the photos to enlarge
Click on the photos to enlarge Click on the photos to enlarge
Click on the photos to enlarge Click on the photos to enlarge
Click on the photos to enlarge Click on the photos to enlarge
Zootechnics cattle division
Resting stall dividers
Auto cattle catchers
Cleaning systems
Hidden unit
RSV Pulling unit
Oil-pressure units
Storage and treatment of effluents
Gates, enclosures and bars
Drinking troughs
Rotary brushes
Calf cages
Weaning cubicles
Bale holders
Manufactured products
Free stabling cattlesheds
Download the catalogue in PDF >>
Zootechnics cattle divisionZootechnics pig divisionBall jointsClamps and accessories
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OMVE s.r.l.
Officine Meccaniche Vezzani E.

Via Einaudi, 9 - 42016 Guastalla (RE) - Italy
Tel. +39.0522.831360/831361 - Fax +39.0522.831007
P.Iva: 00487790354 - Cap. Soc. Euro 100.000 i.v.
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